
The OCPI.Net package uses some classes from the BitzArt.Pagination nuget package to handle paginated endpoints. Refer to it for guidance on how to use the pagination functionality.

There is an example controller with a paginated OCPI method in this reposiory. Refer to it if you are having trouble implementing OCPI paginated requests.

Make sure you call the SetMaxLimit(pageRequest, maxLimit); method in your paginated request implementations. This will ensure that the client cannot request more than the maximum allowed number of items per page. This is required by OCPI in order to set the X-Limit response header.

Example implementation

[OcpiEndpoint(OcpiModule.Locations, "Sender", "2.2.1")]
public class OcpiLocationsSenderController : OcpiController
    public IActionResult GetPage([FromQuery] OcpiPageRequest pageRequest)
        // Set maximum Limit value
        // Required for OCPI.Net PageResult handling
        SetMaxLimit(pageRequest, 100);

        // Process GetPage using Offset, Limit, DateFrom, DateTo from pageRequest

        // You can use BitzArt.Pagination nuget package
        // to handle Offset and Limit (does not handle DateFrom/DateTo),
        // or implement your own OcpiPageRequest handling logic.

        // Example:
        var databaseLocations = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(x =>
            var location = SampleLocation;
            location.Id = $"SampleLocation-{x}";
            return location;

        // This will handle Offset and Limit but not DateFrom or DateTo:
        var result = databaseLocations.ToPage(pageRequest);

        // Returning a PageResult in OcpiOk will process the paginated response
        // and add appropriate page response headers.
        return OcpiOk(result);

    private static OcpiLocation SampleLocation => new()
        CountryCode = CountryCode.Belgium,
        PartyId = "BEC",
        Publish = true,
        Name = "Gent Zuid",
        Address = "F.Rooseveltlaan 3A",
        City = "Gent",
        PostalCode = "9000",
        Country = "BEL",
        Coordinates = new OcpiGeolocation
            Latitude = "51.047599",
            Longitude = "3.729944"
        ParkingType = ParkingType.OnStreet,
        TimeZone = "Europe/Brussels",
        LastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow