
Flux.REST is a REST client implementation for the Flux package.

We recommend reviewing the Flux documentation first.


To use a REST client in your project, add the nuget package (currently in prerelease state)

dotnet add package BitzArt.Flux.REST --prerelease


Configure Flux

services.AddFlux(flux =>
    flux.AddService("service1")     // Give your external service a specific name
    .UsingRest("")  // External service's base url
    .AddSet<YourModel>()            // Adds a Set for a specific model
        .WithEndpoint("model");     // Set endpoint :

Refer to the Configuring Endpoints section for more information on configuring endpoints for your external APIs.

Use IFluxContext in your app

  1. Resolve IFluxContext from your DI container
  1. Get your set context
// Resolve the Set directly
var setContext = fluxContext.Set<YourModel>();

// Or specify the external service
var setContext = fluxContext.Service("service1").Set<YourModel>();

ℹ️ Selecting a specific service can be useful in situations where you have multiple external services configured with the same model types.

  1. Use the SetContext to interact with this Set:
var model = await setContext.GetAsync(1); // Will make an http request to

var list = await setContext.GetAllAsync(); // Will make an http request to

var page = await setContext.GetPageAsync(0, 10); // Will make an http request to

Refer to the Pagination section for more information on using and customizing pagination.