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Static SSR

The following sequence diagrams illustrate the use cases for Blazor.Auth in a Blazor application that is currently using Static SSR render mode.

For implementing these use-cases, an approach utilizing form submission is used. For more information on how Blazor handles form submission in Static SSR, refer to Blazor Documentation.



actor user as User
participant page as SignIn Page

box rgba(101, 63, 232, 0.5) Blazor.Auth
participant userService as IUserService (Server)
participant authService as IAuthenticationService (Server)

user ->>+ page: Submit Sign-In Form

page ->>+ userService: SignInAsync(signInPayload)
note over user,userService: Call IUserService's `SignInAsync` method when handling sign-in form submission.

userService ->>+ authService: SignInAsync(signInPayload)
authService ->> authService: Your server-side sign-in logic

authService -->>- userService: AuthenticationResult

userService -->> userService: Update authentication cookies
userService -->>- page: AuthenticationResult

page -->>- user:  Form submission HTTP Response
note over user,userService: Updated cookies will be attached to the HTTP response <br/> which will result in them being automalically stored in the user's browser.



actor user as User
participant page as SignUp Page

box rgba(101, 63, 232, 0.5) Blazor.Auth
participant userService as IUserService (Server)
participant authService as IAuthenticationService (Server)

user ->>+ page: Submit Sign-Up Form

page ->>+ userService: SignUpAsync(signUpPayload)
note over user,userService: Call IUserService's `SignUpAsync` method when handling sign-up form submission.

userService ->>+ authService: SignUpAsync(signUpPayload)
authService ->> authService: Your server-side sign-up logic

authService -->>- userService: AuthenticationResult

userService -->> userService: Update authentication cookies
userService -->>- page: AuthenticationResult

page -->>- user:  Form submission HTTP Response
note over user,userService: Updated cookies will be attached to the HTTP response <br/> which will result in them being automalically stored in the user's browser.



actor user as User
participant page as Page

box rgba(101, 63, 232, 0.5) Blazor.Auth
participant userService as IUserService (Server)

user ->>+ page: Submit Sign-Out Form

page ->>+ userService: SignOutAsync()
note over user,userService: Call IUserService's `SignOutAsync` method when handling sign-out form submission.

userService -->> userService: Remove authentication cookies

userService -->>- page: 

page -->>- user:  Form submission HTTP Response
note over user,userService: Blazor.Auth will remove the user's authentication cookies <br/> by marking them as expired in the HTTP response.